Monday, March 22, 2010


I have had a couple people tell me they have been commenting on my blog and they are reading! I have also had a couple people tell me they can't figure out how to leave a message. That is exciting, but...the comments aren't showing up. It's not that I need to see your comments, (although they are uplifting and encouraging.) If you are wanting to leave a comment and it's not working, here's a crash course.

  • What you have to do is go to the bottom where it says "Post a Comment" (I know, I know, that's obvious). Then you select a profile where it says "Comment as:". If you do not have a profile, you can comment anonymously...just please sign your name at the bottom. :)

NOW THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART! DO NOT STOP READING! :) :), what you do next does not require anything but patience and the ability to read. And I know you all can do that. :)

  • So, after you have made your comment, you need to click "Post Comment" and then you just wait. (This is where the patience comes in.) It will renew the page and either bring you to the top of my blog or just leave you where you were at the bottom. Now you will see a portion of the page that says "Preview" with your comment in view. Below that will be a portion that will say "Word Verification". All you need to do is copy the word or words in the space provided. Then click the button that says "Post Comment."

  • Now, with my blog you will not see your comment immediately because I have chosen to screen my comments. After you have waited patiently it will say, "Your comment will be visible after approval." Some people's problem's might be with their computer or internet. Sometimes, you might have too many "Cookies" and that is why you cannot leave a comment. If you so choose, you can get rid of those and then you will be able to comment!

Whew! That was a lot! I hope you found this blog helpful...if not, leave a comment--HA! No, just send me an email @ ( Or you can send me a message on Facebook! If you can comment, try to leave a comment on this blog so I know you can! I love you all and thanks for thinking of me in China! Thanks for reading!


  1. i think i can do it

  2. Sometimes it comes back "Your request could not be processed. Please try again." If it says this, you just click on post comment AGAIN and then it will do the word verification and "post comment" again.
    That happens to me almost every time....and it happened this !!!
