Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Living with Purpose

I have been thinking, recently about life here in China and how it is so different from life in America. It is quite different for so many reasons...they just do things differently here. It's hard to get used to the way they do things. If you want to do something the most efficient and effective way, don't come here! But, it is the way they are used to doing things and it works for them...I just have to get used to it. And I think I am doing okay with culture shock right now...only adjusting.

The main thing that is different is what we do when all 7 of us who are here are together just hanging out. He is brought up in conversation so easily. And because when we are around our Family, talking to our Father with these same people, that is what makes it so easy. I hope that made sense. Here, we are not so free to talk about things we want to talk about. But I want to talk about those things more now to everyone than I ever did in America. It has made me realize how lucky people are in countries where they can speak freely about such things. I am literally envious of those who can talk to the check-out lady at Wal-Mart, or the bank teller about Good things. This is a reality check to me, because I cannot and want to so badly! I am in this country and can't do what I want to do. But when I was in America, I was more shy about it. Things will be different. My mind set has changed and I am not as shy about such things. I want to continue to have conversations with my close friends and family about our Father and how wonderful he is. In so doing, I will let my light shine to those around me, not just in living by example, but by living with purpose. For those of you back home, I challenge you to take advantage of your freedoms. :) Thanks for reading, I love you all! And don't forget to think about me in China!


  1. Good one Jules!! Thanks for all of your encouragement!

  2. You are wonderful. D D

  3. I hope you are having a good time and this was a good post, I love you! Love, Your Mother
