Thursday, December 17, 2009

Teaching re-cap...kinda

Well, I normally do a teaching re-cap at the end of my teaching week and that is today! But I didn't do much with my students this week because they are finishing their presentations and it took most of the class period. One class, though, finished early and we got to play a game together. So, I will share with you a couple of funny things that happened. I told the class to get into their small groups I always put them in. I asked for a volunteer from each group to come up to the front, 6 people. They were all hesitant, not knowing what to expect. I told them we were going to play a game and I had 6 people up at my desk in 5 seconds! They love games! I explained we were going to play "Pictionary." I explained I would write down a word and have them draw the word on the board so their team mates could see it and guess what it is. The first team to guess, gets a point. I reminded them not to say the word out loud because their team will hear it and that is cheating. They all nodded their heads in understanding.

As soon as I wrote the word down, 2 of them said the word out loud! Uhhhg! "Don't say it out loud!" The class erupted in laughter. I gave them another word: "Christmas Tree." They all scrambled to get to the board except for one girl. She turned around and drew a tree on a piece of paper, shoved it in my face and shouted, "Christmas Tree!!" I said, "Not me! Draw it for your team mates!" She didn't get it. Luckily, one of the other teams had gotten it by then, only because they wrote "X-mas" and drew a tree below it! hahaha! I was laughing so hard. I didn't give anyone a point. Not one of the drawings looked like a Christmas Tree. Not one. So I picked up a green piece of chalk, drew a Christmas Tree on the board and said, "This is a Christmas Tree, (then pointing at their drawings)...Not this!" They erupted in laughter once more. It was funny! It might be one of those things where you had to be there, but I still thought I would share it with you! :) Well, I have some more things I want to share about China, but this blog would be too long. So, I will save it for another time! I love you all and thanks for reading! Don't forget to think about me in China!


  1. That is funny! I wish I had been there for that. I am SO looking forward to being with you and your classes. I love you ! ! ! Mather in law

  2. That sounded funny, will we goet to go to any classes with you when we are there..or are there rules against that? love,Yo mudda
