Thursday, December 10, 2009

Teaching Re-cap

Well, it is Thursday afternoon and I'm excited to share what my class did this week. We are still completing final presentations, so the first half of the class is taken up with that. Then, I stole an idea from Kyle Hooper. He did the same thing with his class this week too! I explained who Santa Claus is and explained that children write him letters to ask for what they want for Christmas. I told my students I would like them to write Santa a letter! :) I thought this was going to end up being pretty funny, and some of them were, but it turned out most of them were pretty deep! I took the letters up after class. Here are some quotes from my favorite letters. These are quotes; word for word:

"Dear Santa, I wanna a small wood house, so that I can feel I am in the fairy world, I wanna wings so that I can fly."

"Dear Santa, would you be kind to make me fatter?"

"Dear Santa, How is everything going? As you know, Christmas is around the corner, I'm looking forward to your presents. I want a magic stick, and I think a time machine is my favorite. I'm waiting for your reply."

"Dear Santa, I wish I will meet my sole mate someday, and we both live happily ever after. I wish my prince show me the stars in the sky, and catch one for me."

"Dear Santa, I wish for a beautiful basketball, and I wish for a warm bed."

This boy's English is very good and I just love his letter:
"Dear Santa, This is the first time I write to you. You could not know how happy I feel that Christmas Day is coming. I need many things, more than you could imagine. But I believe you are a legend, so I could get anything from you. Alright? First, I'd like to have a big wallet so I can buy lots of food for all the poor all over the world. Second, a large box that is full of medicine so I can cure all the patients in the world. Please accept my request and give these things to me. Thank you, God Bless you."

It was a good week. Everyday has something frustrating happen in it, but days like these make up for the frustrating ones. Thanks for reading and I love you all! Don't forget to think about me in China!


  1. Those are great! Thanks for posting them, you are doing a good job! Love Mommy

  2. Great blog ! ! ! You were so right about the deep part. Gave me cold chills on some of them.
    Great idea for class too. I love you and cannot wait to get there ! ! ! Mather in law
