I really think that the Chinese people don’t care if the English is right. It cracks me up! These two pictures are professionally done, and some Chinese person typed the words out. And that Chinese person’s Chinese supervisor said, “Ah yes, the english is correct on that.” It must have happened that way, because there is no way a person who speaks english as their native tongue could ever have proof read this. Never. I know you can’t read it very well, so I will let you know what it says.
The picture to your left is a sticker on the outside of our shower in the apartment. And it reads: “Cautions: 1. You’d better not take a in-water bath or take a Turkish bath while you don’t feel well, if you suffer from heart disease, hypertension, and diab-etes. (Children’s mustn’t bath while being alone.) 2. After having a drink or fierce exercise, you’d better not take a bath. 3. The water temperature should not go over 45 degrees, and the appropriate is from 30 to 38 degrees. (C) 4. You’d better not take a bath for a long time The appropriate is from 15 to 20mins. 5. After the shower, you’d better drink water in time and take a rest.”
You’d better! hahaha, it made me laugh so hard. Oh yeah, and those periods that aren’t there, and the spaces that aren’t there, which should be are not my mistakes.
The picture to your right is something inside our shower. The lighting inside the shower is weird, so I couldn’t get a good picture. Please read carefully...And it reads: “Shower Computer System Micro-computer xontroller. Welcome to use products of our company Wish to bring beautifall anjoy to you! This is our aim of service” The end. I’m not making this up! This is all I have for today, but I have seen some pretty funny professionally made signs that are just as bad, lol. So you can look forward to those! Thanks for thinking about us!
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