Friday, March 25, 2011

Lessons learned from Pan Pan:

A few weeks ago I was able to have a long talk with a close Chinese friend and sister, Pan Pan. These are some themes from the conversation...

Love doesn't mean to them, what it does to us, Love you today, hate you tomorrow. "I love you" means I love you this minute right now, I might not later.

The girl who asked me to lie: I should let her know why I didn't lie for her. It's because of my believing culture, not my American culture. Because she said the girl probably thought that I wasn't gonna lie because I am American.

The Chinese people will respond to the Word. Don't get discouraged. He just tells you to do it, so don't get discouraged when they say it is stupid or childish. Do it because you love Him. If you get rejected, it doesn't matter. You are doing what He told you to do.

"What are they gonna do when you leave??" Many people say this to us about our friends who become believers while we are here. The question has to do with us "leaving them behind".
-Pan Pan said that she doesn't even think of that because "He will take care of me. He does. I believe He gave me you guys, and Amanda, and Erika," (And others who are believers here in our area.

She believes this because the people who showed her the Word moved away, and we came and when she moves to England, He will provide believers for her. She said she thinks for it a lot and believes He will provide. FAITH! I told her she doesn't know how much of an encouragement she has been to us. She says we have helped her, but she has been more of an encouragement to me than anyone. Her faith is soooo strong! Strong even if she had a supportive family, but she doesn't!!

These are just snipits from our conversation the other night. She has shed some light on the Chinese culture for us. She just amazing and we all love her to death! This wasn't meant for in depth detail, just to show you her thoughts. Thanks for reading and I love you all!


  1. Thanks for sharing! It is great to read these insights. I can see Pan Pan saying these things. You have such a rich opportunity learning from her. You are a blessing to her too.

  2. This blog brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful faith ! I love her comments of how she has been taken care of through Him by so many believers. She is something else ! ! !
    Give Pan Pan a hug from me. I would love to see her again.
    Thanks so much for sharing these thoughts.
    I love ya,
