Saturday, February 19, 2011


Yes, that's right my friends. It's Vietnamenglish time. I know the suspense is just killing you. Really, I know. Because this is the blog of your lifetime. You've been waiting for a long time now, and didn't even know it. Ok, for real now...

There were some signs we came across while in Vietnam that resembled some signs we have seen in China. However, I was able to tell a difference in their English because of their first language. Learning languages is so interesting and I love learning Chinese. Yes it is very difficult at times, but fun and challenging! We also tried to learn some Vietnamese while we were down there! I didn't get very many pictures, but I hope you enjoy them all!!

I thought the child was supposed to be in the car...


This might have been a typo, but it's still funny!

This is supposed to say "Gucci"

**Disclaimer** The purpose of these Chinglish blogs is purely for fun. The purpose is in no way to make fun of the Chinese language. I feel some comments in the past have led some people to believe I think the Chinese language is not as good as English. I believe no such thing! Me and my friends see the differences in culture and appreciate them, meanwhile they are funny and ironic. I hope these blogs do not offend any people of any culture. :) Thanks for reading and I love you all!


  1. you've got at least one more on my phone from Waikiki, remember?

  2. I enjoy your Chinglish blogs and never have thought of them as you making fun.
    These are good as well.
    There are probably signs in the U.S. that are misspelled but we don't notice them. :)
    Love ya,

  3. Juliane, I thought of you and these posts on my flight from Beijing to San Francisco. During the middle of the flight they served a snack. It was a bowl of Chinese Noodles that you open, they pour hot water in and then you wait four minutes before eating. The girl sitting next to me was Chinese. She smiled when she saw it (we were flying United). Then she pulled out her camera and takes a picture. Later she got another shot of them prior to eating. I suspect those will end up on her blog talking about funny things Americans do!
