Saturday, October 9, 2010

First Hair cut!

Hello all! You may or may not know that last year, I went almost the whole year without a haircut because I was afraid what the Chinese cosmetologists would do to my hair! But that's just crazy talk now after living here for a year, I have more confidence in them! :) Stan cut it once last year (with the help of Erin over Skype) and he did a fabulous job! Well, after getting it cut this Summer, I knew I would have to get it cut here. So, Erin, this blog is for you! I got my first haircut here about a week ago and he didn't do that bad of a job. (Yes "he". I don't think I've ever seen a woman cutting hair in China. Only men. The women give massages and greet you at the door.) I digress...Now, first I wanna show you a picture of what I showed the man who was cutting my hair.

And here's the finished product!

It's not as angled as the picture, but I think he did an okay job. He certainly didn't do as good of a job as Erin would have, but ya know...I'll take what I can get! :) I was frustrated at that fact at first right after he cut it, and Stan even told me I was being "a little whinny" about it (rightfully so). But I'm good with it now and I love it! I just gotta find the word for more angled in my Chinese dictionary and show him next time. haha!

Oh! One other thing...when he was looking at the picture and looking at my hair, he kept saying my hair was curly and it wasn't going to work. Over and over and over again, he would take my hair and wrap it around his finger to show me it was curly (as if I didn't know that about myself) I just kept saying, "I know, I know. It's ok. I will straighten it. It's ok, it's ok." He almost couldn't handle it. He didn't know what to do with my curly hair! haha! Oh China...

I have video of the whole thing (well most of it), but I need to piece it together and show you the whole thing at once. I just wanted to give you a sneak peak now!

Nothing insightful from me today, haha! I just hope you have a good day! Thanks for reading, and don't forget to think about me in China! I love you all!!


  1. You should have seen me get my curly hair cut in China! It required every worker in the hair place apparently! Haha. I got my hair cut and even highlighted all the time in China. There is a good place right outside the Chuan Mei gate to go. You're hair turned out really pretty by the way!! :)


  2. I love it!!! It looks really good!

  3. CUTE! You're so brave! That's so short to trust with a Chinese guy!

  4. I LOVE IT!!!!!!! No, it's not exactly like the picture, but what he did looks great on you!!!! I have the same anxiety about getting my hair cut here, but I'm only here for 6 months so I might so hold out that long until I get back home to my Chloe!!

  5. I think it looks great! The girl in the second picture is MUCH MORE beautiful ! ! !
    I know you are glad to find someone that you like in China since you can't fly Erin there each time.
    Love ya,
